A person who pursues depth, connection, growth and monogamy in another human being for a significant amount of time until reaching a plateau to pursue the next relationship.
A person who craves meaningful connection in a monogamous relationship in short amounts of time, whether weeks, months or years.
I’ve had six boyfriends back-to-back in the past 15 years in relationships that lasted two to three years each. I’m a serial monogamous.
One who cannot complete any task – particularly those involving writing and programming – without the assistance of ChatGPT or other LLMs. Commonly used to refer to those that are essentially plagiarists and would be worthless without an LLM to do their bidding.
Person A: What is a "serial chatGPTer"?
Person G: I'm sorry, as a language model AI, I don't have personal experiences or identities, but a "serial ChatGPTer" could refer to someone who frequently engages in conversations or interactions with ChatGPT. They might regularly seek information, assistance, or entertainment from ChatGPT across various topics or discussions.
Adj./descriptive phrase:
- To commit a string of orchestrated attacks throwing chunky milk on your foes/enemies
“3 of my girls got milked this week. I’m pretty sure it’s the same guy. We must have a Serial Milker running around. Smh.”
Someone who consistently bails on their commitments.
-"is Dardan coming?"
-"Nah, he's a serial bailer. He'll just cancel last second as he always does"
Serial wanker
Aaron Tonner is a serial wanker he chokes his chicken 6 times a day
Someone behind a string of arsons, usually posing as one of the good guys, and telling people the fire wasn't caused by arson but another cause.
The serial arsonist didn't think she was a bad actor, she thought she was a warlord.
Someone who has a chronic chiefing problem. They will take the biggest hits from your shi and constantly ask to tap your shi.
Look at that serial chiefer over there chiefing that stick.