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gucci ass

When you see that ass from far away and it so plump

1:damn look at the Gucci ass

by RAYzar January 23, 2018

Gucci Queen

Jennie Kim from Blackpink who is said to make any outfit look ten times more expensive, is often referred to as the “Gucci queen,” “Human Gucci” and at times even “Walking Channel”

Did You see Jennie’s outfit at the concert yesterday, she really is the Gucci Queen.

by Gucci flipity-flopity July 1, 2019

House of Gucci

The movie that comes out November 24th 2021 and people will only go see because THEE Lady Gaga is in (no shade to Adam Truckdriver and the other talented actors involved in the project)!

John Doe: Yo bro *smokes from joint* what are all the fuckin good movies coming out this year bro
Jane Doe: one im not youre bro and theres this movie called House of Gucci coming out this November.
John Doe: Whos in it?
Jane Doe: Lady Gaga…..and we will be going to the theaters to see it and thats on perioddddz
John Doe: I hate her
Jane Doe: *gets knife and chops off Joes d*** and swallows it*
John Doe: *screams in agonizing pain* WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT HOE?

Jane Doe: Dont bash my queen gaga and we’re over! *throws engagement ring in the trash and farts in Johns face before leaving their home with a bottle of gasoline and a match and pours the gasoline around the house and lights the match and throws it on the trail of gasoline and watches the fire get to the house and hears Adams screams for help as Jane laughs and smirks as she smokes a cigarette and gets in her Ferrari Portofino with the top down and ride out of their driveway into paradise*

by Annie Gro August 7, 2021

Farmer Gucci

The Gucci wear of farmers that usually consists of Carhartt, Wrangler , and Levi

"I got farmer Gucci"
"Do you have any farmer Gucci here"

by Farmerjk May 7, 2019

Gucci Booty

A "Gucci Booty" is a booty that looks like it belong on a Gucci belt. A booty that would be on a girl who does a lot of squats.

"She walked in and I noticed that Gucci booty. Wishing she was on my Gucci belt.

by Random2413 August 6, 2017

Paolo Gucci

Paolo Gucci is a nickname used for Julian when he is acting like Paolo. The name is based off the 2021 film "House of Gucci", from which Paolo Gucci was portrayed by Jared Leto. Paolo Gucci was notable for mixing brown with pastels and urinating on his uncle's tablecloth. Paolo can be defined in one word as a dunce, this is clear based off his ill thought out actions and his less than intelligent mental process, these are all attributes that can describe Julian, thus giving him the nickname of Paolo Gucci.

"Julian just traded his xbox for a bb gun that he'll never use, he is such a Paolo Gucci"
"Julian doesn't like Morbius, talk about a real Paolo Gucci moment"

by xXMorbiusFanXx February 7, 2023

Coochie Gucci

As it sound when your coochie is gucci.

"Dude that girl last night was coochie gucci

by Shmeebo January 15, 2020