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Hip to the jive

I understand what you are communicating. You can't fool me.
The wording may be slightly off because alta vista was having some translation problems the day I tried.
Also see hip and jive

I am reeeeeeal old and I still want you too think I am cool. So when I hear you using slang terms, that I have no idea whatsoever the meaning of, I will say, "I'm hip to the jive baby".

by qqtpie September 8, 2005

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hip fucking

A dance where a boy stands behind a girl (while she digs her butt into his crotch) and places his hands on her hips as they sway from side to side with the dance floor’s beat. The act is crude to watch, but very enjoyable to partake in. This dance to all spectators can appear as butt fucking, but really, it’s just a watered down substitute.

Spectator: Ohmygawd! Did you see Tony and Leslie hip fucking on the dance floor to Grillz!?! It was sooo gross…….I thought Leslie was going out with Scot. What a slut.

Participant: Hey Scot, I’m gonna run my hands through my hair and act like I just don’t care, then I’m gonna bring them up past my head and rub your neck. I love hip fucking with you. Wait a minute, you’re not Scot. Tony!?! What the fuck!?!

by Hip Fuckings all right wit me... March 31, 2006

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Hip thingy

A sexual act during intercourse between a male and female. With the female being on top and instead riding regularly, lifting her hips up and down, she ever so slightly is continuously moving her hips in a back and forth motion causing her clit pleasure. While only sometimes giving pleasure to the male bottom.

"When she does the hip thingy it's not for you man so shit up"

"Girl I made him my bitch last night doing the hip thingy"

by SneakieSnakes22 March 15, 2022

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A term for one who has great force with their hip-checks.

Man that guys got Thunder-Hips!

by EnterEpicNameHere July 28, 2013

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thats hip

Thats hip means like ''cool!'' ''I know!''

Thats hip you got an iphone 7!''

by imsofab_ December 27, 2016

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stolen hipness

Stolen hipness occurs when a person claims to having done something really cool at an earlier time when in fact they didn't.

Marvin claimed to have attended Woodstock in 1969 when in fact he worked as a bank teller. He was a classic example of stolen hipness.

by Louisiana Tiger March 25, 2020

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off the hip

To estimate or explain something with little or no data, usually when the problem is brought to attention. Probably a slang term derived from a cowboy pulling his gun "off the hip" for little or no reason.

I asked for july's sale numbers, and the off the hip response was around 100,000 dollars.

My boss asked me why the servers kept crashing. "Off the hip, I would say it's because they're not plugged into a UPS, and the power is not clean. But I would really need to review the crash logs for a more authoritative answer".

by Jack the Dejackifier July 5, 2018

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