Source Code

Law of Motion

A law that motion is uniform, always ptso.

josh following that law of motion

by joshh5k August 6, 2023

Motion Mine

A girl who follows you around the club or any other place and cock blocks you all night. Similar to a clinger, but in terms of a girl who is not in a relationship with a guy.
Can also be a guy who follows a girl around.

See also grenade or landmine.

That girl Danielle is such a motion mine, she follows pauly d around everywhere!

by 69jshore69 February 8, 2011

Rourke Motions

Hand motions that are irrelevant to the current conversation

He started using these crazy hand motions (Rourke motions) that made no sense whatsoever

by EXCAM June 26, 2015

Motion blur

The annoying shit that developers put in games to "increase FPS". Also God did that too, but this time its permenant.

Look i started a new game... Aaaaaand i forgot to turn off motion blur...

by Im 6 foot high July 4, 2020

Force Motion

When mid situations or functions occur you impulse yourself to the occasion just to have something to do

Dude, do your homework. Don't force motion tonight; Ashley is not even bad!

by Eoli2 September 29, 2022

sweet motion

When you turn up slap hoes and don't turn down. You gotta be turned up in your Gaddi (car)

Yoo let's go fight some niggas. We about to sweet motion. Turn up for what?!

by Bhabi February 15, 2014

Motion Array


I hate Motion Array so much li-Preview -od jesus f-Preview -ng christ seriousl-PreviewPreviewPreviewPreview

by iminhellplshelpahhh December 16, 2024