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The Week of Karma

The week of August 12th, 2018 when karma did its due diligence and exposed all of Jeffree's ex-friends.

Started by Gabriel Zamora posting a picture of Laura Lee, Nikita Dragun, Manny MUA and himself captioning "bitch is bitter because without him we're doing better". Followed by tweets shading Jeffree out of nowhere (just to hop on the publicity bandwagon since Jeffree was currently blowing up). Ironically, this resulted in fans digging up Gabriel's, Laura's and Nikita's past racist tweets for which they all gave booty guru apologies and lost TONS of followers and subscribers on all social media channels.

Meanwhile, noone but the sacrificial lamb (Gabriel Zamora) apologized to Jeffree personally for shading him, using him for money and publicity, and then throwing him away like a used towel.

Only time will show if this turns into the year of Karma because as uncle Jeffree said, 2018 still has 4 months left šŸ˜ (a tweet sent out during The Week of Karma)

Jeffree: "I'm really gonna need someone in the government to write down this week as THE WEEK OF KARMA"

by JefYuzKat August 18, 2018

karma poo

(noun) The random dog doo that a dog owner picks up and disposes of when out and about to make up for those times when his or her own dog has done its business somewhere that then mysteriously cannot be found (e.g., out in the tall grass in the park).

To pick up karma poo is to maintain equilibrium in the world of dog doo disposal, and to help make up for all the idiot dog owners who allow their dogs to defecate anywhere and everywhere without cleaning it up.

"Man, I've looked everywhere and I can't find Fido's poo!"
"Dude, you'd better go find some karma poo and take care of it!"
"What are you doing? Fifi didn't take a dump!"
"I know, but I think she snuck one out here somewhere the other day, and I'm way behind on my karma poo anyway."

by MollyBurrito August 17, 2011

Karma Duke

King/or Queen of Karma
Person who can call them like they see them
Person can call you out on your well deserved justice or comupance

Brother goes and hits his sister in the back of the head.
She screams, "OW!" Then chases after him as he runs away.

He slips on a bannana peel as he tries to make a get away and falls flat on his butt getting the breath knocked out of him.

Then his sister comes up and smirks saying, "Karma."
Brother replies sarcastically, "What are you, the karma duke?"

by Alisson Suskind June 12, 2010

Karma hog

someone who Post a Post on Reddit that keeps getting Reddit karma. expecially if the post makes no sense.

u/Drumdevil86 is such a karma hog.

by JEAFCommander April 1, 2019

covid karma

Covid Karma is the term used for when someone crazy about protecting themselves from getting Covid-19 and is an asshole about it towards other people contract covid despite their efforts not to. This person treats their friends kindly while assuming strangers are sick. They wear a mask in front of people they donā€™t like and take it off while in the company that they prefer

ā€œThat bitch got covid at a party with all of her friendsā€

ā€œThatā€™s covid karmaā€

by Lusti23 December 8, 2021

Gig Karma

The notion that by being active/inactive in your local music scene it may or may not influence your own success in it. This refers specifically to musicians and particularly to the ones who mope at home all day crapping on about how bad the scene is and how it never gets anywhere, this in turn brings the scene down because of a lack of participants.

Guy1: How come they get so many gigs?
Guy2: Their members leave the house occasionally to go and hang with other bands and make contacts.
Guy1: That's gay, I'm too brutal and metal for that gay stuff.
Guy2: That's some bad gig karma

by Brutal_Softy January 13, 2010

karma viva

Karma Viva- defined as combination of a celebration of life , A welcoming salutation and a positively focused energy with acceptance for all alive! Karma viva is the art form of sound MUSIC & Instruments starting with your heart and turntables and Using tough times as our canvas & music to channel a strength we create and present our vision in life to heal through the Brand called Karma Viva - salute xoxo music for all

Karma Viva ,celebrate,cheers,good,bad,live,laugh,love,pay it forward,true self ,honesty,realism,music,dance.

by Female Djs about respect February 9, 2014