A meth addicts replacement for a nutritious lunch.
The Meth Lunches: The Care and Feeding of a Drug Addict is also a book by Kim Foster
It's a piece about how food matters, but how it can't fix everything. It's about meth addiction and struggling without winning, and torn-up families and broken people.
Craving for meth lunches, want to eat some
When you over boil an egg and it's melting and producing hydrogen sulfide
Hey I need help, I accidentally made meth eggs
When a person has been awake for too many days on meth and they can no longer can form proper sentences, words get jumbled up and you get tongue tied. Your thought process is slim to none causing you to say things without thinking, focusing and concentrating are unrealistic goals, and your memory is completely shot. Usually a sign it's time to put the meth down and go the fuck to sleep.
"Damn dude Jessica's really got meth brain today doesn't she?"
"Yeah she's gotta lay off the meth for a while"
When you're searching for meth all night.
Going on a meth capade tonight.
A example of saying your friends are weak and skinny as shit.
Bru you are so khai meth man..
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meth rally,a school assembly to show your school meth addiction spirit.
hey mary,are you going to tonights meth rally?