Mush is another word for ''Cool.'' Which dates back to Rhodesia.
''Doesn't look so mush when ridin' through the bush''
The food they give you at school
Student: Is this.... mush?
Lunchlady: No. Keep moving.
Someone who can’t stand someone named farooq. Mush finds farooq annoying af
Dam, that boii mush sure hates farooq
1. When you gamble on a team your presence jinxed the favorable outcome.
2. A person that breaks guy code, sleeps with a friends former flame, boo, girlfriend, wife.
Marty is such mush, he sleeps with his friends exs, and can’t pick a winner for shit.
A likeable larger than life character who looks after the folk around them with a skip and a smile.
Bit of a tit tho.
Your a bloomin Mush-tard
To humiliate another by open palmed pushing into said person's face. More degrading than bitch slapping.
He was being a bitch, so I just mushed him....What a pussy. I knew he wouldn't do anything.