Another whole level above super-natural.
Person 1: "Whoa dude look that lamp its all floating like, its like its super-natural!"
Person 2: "Yea but look over there! that ghost is stealing money and knocking up that guys daughter! its like its Supra-natural!"
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An incredibly ugly person that looks that they evolved in a bad way compared to the rest of man-kind
DAMN Heβs ugly he looks like he got hit by natural selection.
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the by-product of God's creation (gender irrelevant).
Cop out for those who deny the existence of God, while embracing a equally intangible force (mother nature, nature, etc.) that they can neither explain, nor define it's source, origin or purpose.
Mother Nature sure is a beautiful thing.
Take any sentence, phrase or literary reference and replace the term 'mother nature' with God and see if it could be made to make sense using an impartial perspective.
104π 93π
It is human nature to be self centered, to be stereotypical, to find a grudge and milk it for everything it is worth... (Not to contradict myself) this human nature can be regulated to a point just like everything else. The manner of upbringing and moral support has a lot in the regulation of human nature
You baby sit your neighborβs children for five hours now you want fifty dollars... not because the people are generous but because you "deserve" something for you services... human nature?
It is human nature to hold on the a grudge... blacks thinking that they are still oppress as they were during the times of slavery and at the turn of the century...but NOT A SINGLE PERSON ON EITHER SIDE is still alive NO WHITE OR BLACK PERSON who was present during that time.
*with no intension of being offensive*... slavery is over. I am sorry that it happened to anyone at all at anytime but the human race has and is moving past that time, maybe the races of people need to do that as well?
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A stupid excuse that people use to act like irresponsible idiots. Ignoring the fact that they are individuals with their own free will and choose to be irresponsible.
People often use this excuse, human nature, to act like dicks or be selfish to others. They believe that humans are naturally aggressive or selfish which is not true. Everything human beings do is determined by choices you make.
People use "human nature" as an excuse for virtually every wrong doing or idiotic mistake they manage to come up with as a simple excuse to avoid responsibility.
If you are speeding down the highway just because you don't see a cop nearby and want to get somewhere fast, please kill yourself. You are driving inconsiderately and risking your safety as well as putting not only you but other people's lives in danger. No one should drive selfishly without thinking about others just so they can cheat and get to their destination faster. Some people speed when they don't see cops around and end up getting tickets. If you drive in an idiotic, retarded manner like this, please suicide. You're a moron if you do it.
People should always try and obey the speed limit and wear seatbelts like a normal decent human being is expected to. Not sometimes, ALL the time, morons.
The same thing goes for other things like littering. Don't throw it out your fucking vehicle window because you're fucking lazy. Throw it in the trash wherever your destination is, dumbasses. You people using human nature as an excuse to be irresponsible are the reasons why I believe stupid people should be totally eradicated and only select Intelligent people should be allowed to live.
35π 27π
A very complex and rule based sexual conquest in which a guy has sex with three girls in a two week time period. The Natural Hattrick can only be accomplished if the following conditions are met by the participating guy, referred to from here on as "the participant":
1. The participant may not have had any prior sexual contact with any of the three girls. A Natural Hattrick cannot be accomplished if the participant has ever engaged in any act more sexually serious than kissing/making out.
2. the participant must successfully go three for three attempts, without interruptions of continuity of each attempt. for instance, one may not kiss Girl A, have sex with Girl B, then have sex with Girl A. Once the participant makes any contact with a girl, starting with kissing, he must have sex with that girl before he initiates any contact with another girl. If the participants has sex with Girl A, Girl B, gets a blowjob from girl C, and has sex with Girl D, he has not satisfied the rules Natural Hattrick. He must start over, with Girl D being the first girl.
3. All three girls involved must be physically attractive to a degree of at least a 5.0 on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, 1.0 being the lowest. This must be verified by a panel of at least three male peers. Of this panel, each individual must assign the girl a number between 1.0 and 10.0 to the nearest tenth of his ability (5.1, 5.6, 6.5, etc), and the average of the three given numbers must be at LEAST 5.0.
4. The time limit to accomplish this goal is exactly 2 weeks from the moment of penetration with the first of the three girls.
5. All girls involved must be engage in sex with the participant voluntarily and without monetary solicitation. No prostitution, rape, or statutory rape.
haha, joe's facebook status is "i just pulled a natural hattrick!". there's no way- he's a fucking liar!
Its hard not to be impressed with his game, i hear he's pulled 2 or 3 Natural Hattricks.
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The official beer of Hicksville, also known as Natty's or Natty Light.
Yo man, lets go to that party they have Natural Light.
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