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Sarah, plain and Tall

Reference to 1986 children's story (third grade reading level).
Often used when referring to something or someone that is bland or plain.

"Hey, I really like your place"
"Really? I thought it was very Sarah, plain and tall"


"Hey check out that chick, do you think she is hot?"
"Nah, she is so Sara, plain and tall"

by Cuatemoc December 22, 2011

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Tall Cool One

β€œTall Cool One”. This refers to a tall, cool, brewski. Usually contained in a vessel of elevated proportions. The standard 12 ounce longneck glass bottles, the 16 ounce Tall Boys cans, and the 24 ounce Tall Boyz cans all apply to this title. β€œTall Cool One” has been forever immortalized by the late Chris Farley in the hit 1996 comedy Black Sheep. See quote below.

What have we got here? A couple of tall cool ones!

by Paramecium October 28, 2004

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tall irish man


β€œShut up tall Irish man”said Edward angrily to Tristan the tall Irish man

by NOTATallirishman September 13, 2020

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Tall Glass of Water

A tall, COOL, glass of water is a babe so hot you need a glass of water after checking her out.

Well, she's a tall, cool glass of water ain't she?

by 19 Polk December 2, 2004

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long tall sally

a rock n roll song composed in the 1950s. it is a great song and is rock n roll history. known artists that composed this song is little richard and elvis presley

{long tall sally} well i saw uncle john with bald head sally, he saw aunt mary coming and ducked baqck in the ally oh baby, yeah baby, wooo baby havin some fun tonight.

by jackson j May 28, 2006

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head for the tall grass

To hide, or make oneself scarce when trouble goes down.

When the shit goes down, don't let me catch you heading for the tall grass, pussy. Stand with me and be a man!

by Diggler December 24, 2004

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Tall People Day

March 2nd, the exact opposite of Sept. 2nd (aka short people day.) On tall people day, anyone over 5'9" gets $5.

P. 1: oh wow, on Sept. 2nd I got $5 because it was short people day! Bet that must suck for you, seeing as how you're tall.

P. 2: oh, you must not have heard of tall person day! March 2nd, 6 months after Sept. 2nd, is Tall People Day! Tall people get $5!

P. 1: I hadn't heard of that! How interesting!

by TakeThatAutumn September 3, 2021

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