its a boyfriend or girlfriend who also loves to watch Disney movies
My Disney partner is coming over to watch Mulan with me.
Save lives. Coding is just a tool. That's why I'm Partnered with IBM. Save people from water crisis. Make robots.
Hey you. Yes you. I'm Partnered with IBM for "Call for Code"
When pooping in a public restroom stall, this is any individual that is also pooping in an adjacent stall, either on the left or right or both. Having one or more Pooping Partners is generally undesired as you are often subjected to your Pooping Partner's loud grunts, snorts, and flatulence as well as having to deal with the smells of your own defecation mingling with theirs.
I hate having pooping partners. Took me 30 to find a bathroom with only one stall.
My pooping partner today almost gassed me out. Couldn't breathe for my entire shit session.
I heard my pooping partner grunt like a dying goat.
Investors that provide companies financial support but aren't involved in day-to-day operations and don't participate in management tasks. As a result, they can potentially lose their entire investment—but typically no more.
He has set up two profitable businesses although he is now a silent partner in one of them.
the inflation of an attorneys ego, wants and needs when he or she has been promoted from an associate position to a partner at a law firm.
Alan the Attorney: "Hey Suzy, do I have an aisle seat for my flight?"
Suzy the Secretary: "I'm sure you do, but I will double check."
Alan the Attorney: "Yes, please do. If I don't have an aisle seat I'm going to just kill myself."
Suzy the Secretary (to her co-worker): "Alan has gotten such partneritis since his promotion! He says he'll kill himself if he doesn't get an aisle seat! Maybe I should just put him in the middle ..."
a poontang partner is a woman's lesbian partner
Guy: Why were you kissing that woman?
Woman: Well, when I found out she was a single lesbian like me, I asked her to be my girlfriend. She said yes and now she is my poontang partner!
Partner Blindness (PB) allows your partner to not see any of the things that needs to be done... like bathroom look like a frat house, partner blindness allows them to see it as the Ritz Carlton... garbage overflowing? PB allows them to walk right by... 5 baskets of laundry sitting on the table needing to go upstairs? PB allows for them to become very resourceful and eat on the square inch that is not covered
Is your Partner Blindness acting up? Can you not see the massive amount of dishes in the sink?