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A mispelling of Poggerz

Lets go to poggers!

Dont you mean poggerz?!

by holyduck42069 September 14, 2022


An expression used to convey extreme emotion, mainly joy.

I got a girlfriend today, it was very poggers.

by BigBoyChilly February 10, 2022


Yu-Gi-Oh abridged

it's Yu-Gi-Oh! it's amazing! it's so poggers!

by bbaaggeell January 31, 2021


Robert Rowson

Robert Rowson is bare poggers for the one time uno

by Rob.rowson April 9, 2021


a derogatory insult used to describe a black man's skin commonly used in Jamaica popularized by during the reign on the British Empire

look at his poor poggers skin

by hellokitty2828 March 20, 2021


A word spoken exclusively by Dream SMP fans (dream stans) and by fortnite gamers (fortnite kids). Yall really think using this dumb ass word is funny, nah no one is laughing. If you use this word change your username to milk not found, or dad not found. If you use this word get off the internet

moral of the story if you say poggers your family will leave and put you up for adoption you mf.

Lets go that is so poggers.

by John Reyham November 8, 2021


poggers in the singular form

"wow chat that thing was indeed very pogger"
"ah yes pogger. poggers in the singular"

by Jovieisfnaf June 1, 2021