I typo of the word "owned," that every Jonas-fag think means "powerfully owned" and spells with an O instead of a W.
While true origin is unknown, people have guessed that either
A: it's A combination between Poned and Owned. These both mean the same thing but are less powerful. Kind of like breasts compare to boobs and tits
B: It's a misspeling of owned, discovered by people playing World of Warcraft.
The definition means you got beaten by someone so bad that it's literally unforgivable and inexcusable.
A word spouted by a random fag whom has no knowledge of what it actually means. Refer to "Gay"
Bob: Wow Frank, you just got pwned at that round of Call Of Faggotry. Thats unforgivable!
Frank: STFU!
Bob: Pwned epic swaggerness!
Frank: Stfu.... Please for your safety.
The total domination of a thing or person.
The word PWNED originated from the word PWN, which originated from own, then cat.
Hey Liu *punchs* pwned
Best Porn ever?!?!? *rickrolled* pwned
'Pwned' a phrase founded by anonymous official. Meaning you were fully hacked and they are in full control. By J
"pre-owned" you know you are going to be owned before it happens.
-noun the total domination or shutdown of a person, place or thing.
P1: Hey Lou!
P@:Hey! *slapz him in the face*
the P is next to the O on a typical English keyboard, often online players trying to type "owned" will erroneously type "pwned." This phenomenon known as "pwned" is a mistake that was often typed in competitive games such as counter-strike pre 1.6, quake 3, unreal tournament among other FPS titles. At first players would ridicule those that would type "pwned" after defeating an opponent, eventually it became so common it became a meme.
Player1: git pwned nub!
Player1: oops i meant, owned