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A person who plays RuneScape. Usually people who play RuneScape have some of the biggest dicks in the world, except for the Penis Jackers (pjers), they have the worlds tiniest dicks.

Wow, that kid is such a runescaper, his genitals must be very large.

by Not Feez on runescape... August 12, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


See Haithem.
Runescape is very "addicting" to some, but to other it's a really boring game. When I say boring I mean holy ****, who would wanna play this game? OR EVEN SUBSCRIBE TO IT?

Haithem plays too much Runescape

by Mikey April 23, 2005

42๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


A game created by Jagex that a lot of people bash and make fun of for being "gay" and "nerdy". I didn't think much of it at first, but I created an account. And the snowball effect set in. Runescape is honestly the most addicting thing I have ever done, forget just limiting it to games. Runescape will turn you in to a monster. You won't care to hang out with friends (unless they too play Runescape), you will snap at your family when your gaming time is in jeopardy, you will not care about anything that you once cared for. In all honesty, it's a pretty sweet game. It's moderated fairly well, the quests are really fun and some challenging, the monsters are fun to fight, and it's a decent game all around. But don't get sucked in. Because it is almost impossible to climb out of the hole.

Me: Hey guys! What are you playing?

Friends: Runescape, it's an online role playing game.

Me: Hm. Sounds interesting.. Mind if I make an account?
Friends: Sure, we'll help you!


*Mom's Birthday*
Dad: Alright! Everybody load up, we're going out to eat for mom's birthday!

Me: ..


by Mwarrior21 January 7, 2012

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


An online game that, quite literally, could be cultivated and sold to crackheads because of it's massive addictiveness. Also, the graphics look like they were ripped directly from any game for Super Famicon or Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Populated entirely by people who think that by playing that they are socially superior to everyone else, while in reality, they are all just total n00bs. 5 out of 5 medical professionals agree that Runescape can cause extreme loss of sense of reality and immense n00bishness. Anyone who already hasn't had 3/4's of their brain devoured by this uber-lame "MMORPG" should go out and play Kingdom of Loathing...And, if by chance, you have started playing, I suggest you kill yourself and put yourself out of your misery.

Lamer1- I'm gonna go train of fire giants with my D Battle!

Lamer2- Lol Runescape r teh own!111oneoneone!

Sane, non neanderthalic person-...What the fuck are you talking about? Go spend your membership money on something more productive like crack.

by tehpwnerer August 4, 2005

31๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


A highly addictive game that consumes your valuable time, for pathetic graphics and the fight to be level 126.

I'm a addict, and Runescape is my pill.

by (T)AZ April 5, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


A synonym to run and escape. This game will destroy your life(or maybe,depends on you). You will play this game 12h a day! Or maybe more. I played this game and I stopped. Once I was able to play it for 5h! Then when you will get bored to play free you will pay 5$ a mounth. You will sepnd 100s of $ for playing this shit.Then you'll get broke and you will die on the street. That what happends to people who play RuneScape.

Broke guy 1: Hey. Welcome to the club.
Broke guy 2: Thanks.
Broke guy 1: What happend?
Broke guy 2: I played RuneScape and spent thousends of dollars to buy runescape money from illigal sites and paying my membership...
Broke guy 1: Me too...

by AQ Hater July 4, 2006

27๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


The stupidest game on the planet with horribly bad graphics and way too many 10yr olds who think they are actually cool by talking in 1337

10yrold22: wtf n00b j00 dom hax0r ill pwn yor azz!!!11!!11!!1
weirdo482: stfu!!11!!!1 im teh m0s7 31337 H4x0r 3v3r!!!!11!!!11!!!!!

by G28401 April 7, 2005

34๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž