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Yard Sale Cookies

cookies not appropriate for human consumption (i.e. taste terrible) or any food for that matter.

So my mom tried to pawn off some yard sale cookies on me, can you believe that?

by Disaster77 September 20, 2010

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bake sale

the act of running your little heart out untill your reach a bake sale

Yoni declared bake sale, and ran himslef to death, for his was on a treadmill

by jah-coff yoni April 9, 2003

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Assistant Vice President of Sales

a fancy title for someone who has their own office but is really just a baby sitter and secretary. over worked and under paid. errand boy for the Vice President of Sales.

The Assistant Vice President of Sales is not at his desk right now because he is out grabbing lunch for the Vice President of Sales.

by `/.;' April 15, 2011

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Ghetto Black Friday Sale

A "ghetto black Friday sale" describes any home robbery that takes place in the days immediately following the Black Friday shopping extravaganza. It is assumed that homes are targeted during this time due to an increased chance of new electronics being present in the house, and a general interest by local burglars in sharing in the holiday shopping tradition.

Kevin : So there was a ghetto black Friday sale at my house yesterday.
Dave : You mean some black people broke into your house and stole your family's stuff?
Kevin : Pretty much.

by Darker November 29, 2010

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Professional Yard Sale Associate

A term referring to Hispanic women over the age of thirty who spend the weekday gathering a host of useless trinkets and trash from the neighborhood thrift stores, and then selling them in a yard sale on the weekend. These women consider this to be their profession, though not profitable.

Often affected with Troll Syndrome, these women tend to wear extremely inappropriate clothes and can be easily identified by their scowl, and hate for white people.

Why does every house across the railroad tracks have a yard sale EVERY weekend?

Its their job, they are Professional Yard Sale Associates.

by The collectiveish September 7, 2010

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To "yard sale" your pouch

the act of dumping everything from your tool pouch or bag while climbing to, or working at heights.

while climbing on a house, building, scaffolding, ladder, etc... you dump the entire contents of your fully loaded tool pouch/bag onto the ground.

by Josh J. May 10, 2004

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st francis de sales

a large building that specialties in child torture and manipulation, residing in the Adelaide Hills. St Francis guarantees you no individual choices, and promises to brainwash your children into brainless little clones.

Girl: so what did you so this week at st francis de sales college?
Boy: eh not much. the usual..i got raped by like 10 of my teachers

by nekodueee March 15, 2009

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