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Jump scare

an image you see that is so ugly or gruesome it scares you, makes your heart stop for a second.

“ did you see that picture Jen posted yesterday? “
“ yeah & she thinks that looked good?! instant jump scare

by DrDaniiiPhantom May 18, 2024

Scaring The Turtle

A euphemism for anal sex.

I had to tell my wife last night to hurry up on the toilet. If the turtle didn't go for freedom now then I'd be scaring The Turtle back up there later.

by GravediggerJim February 14, 2021

Shakin' like a scared chihuahua

Shaking very violently

Person 1: Hey dude, you're shaking a lot.

Person 2: Yeah, I'm shakin' like a scared chihuahua

by EverydayBellyache November 24, 2020

Scared Motos

Just like Scared money don't make no money, Scared Motos don't make no money. No rewards without risks.

Scared Motos don't make no money

by MotoMike February 24, 2015

pump scare

when one is perusing omegle and happens upon a plethora of penile appendages

damn gina! i got the biggest pump scare of my life on omegle last night!

by gingerbreadwoman42069 March 8, 2019

Scaring the Goat


One who is being obnoxiously loud/ over excited.

Levi, settle down your scaring the goat!

by Bounceback January 26, 2024

The Scared Player

There is a normal day you go to school

A few years later when u finished collage You go to work but then..
You see a Strange kid that isn't normal
It looks strange more like it isn't a kid
Something strange happened!
U look to the employees and u see that they aren't there anymore
Everything Goes Dark And the only thing u can see is Nothing IT IS JUST DARK
And Then That kid Gets close to you and then You wake up from ur bed
"Oof, That was a dream" *sigh*
Then You look outside Wait... Why is everything Dark
"uhhh was that a dream or was it real?|
*You Contact Your Friend*
"Hey Dude, There is something weird happening"
"I know dude" Your friend said
"Oh Dude btw there is something under my be-" *Beep* He disconnects
"uhh Dude, You there....???"
"I CAN SEE YOU" Some strange voice You hear
You Run and Run Screaming for Help but no one is there to save you
*You Run As fast as you can*
*You get blocked with a wall*
"I guess this is the end"
*Wakes Up Again*
"wait what"
"this is strange"
"You go outside and everything is fine"
"oh that was a dream"
You look behind you and then you are gone

The End

Someone Who is scared from something
"The Scared Player"

by Rainyar April 23, 2022