Source Code

Soggy Cucumber

When you get your dick sucked for over 24 hours.

My girlfriend gave me a soggy cucumber last night.

by jimmy fransico May 6, 2010

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soggy johnny

the act of putting cereal(preferably frosted flakes) in a willing female companions snatch, once they become evenly coated in her wet cave you release your man mustard to soggy them and recoat with frosty goodness

"Jim: yo what happened last night?"
"Tim: i got hungry in the middle of the night and went down stairs for frosted flakes but could finish them so i gave her the ol' soggy johnny"
"Tim: niceee"

by jimbone bonebag March 4, 2008

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Soggy Swanny

while wanking shout out all his nick names and try and cum before you say all of them

Dude, I did the soggy swanny last night I only got to three of his nicknames

by suck my dongle April 15, 2009

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soggy balloon

The act of spunking on a dildo and placing it up your ass hole.

Boy1: Hey i done a soggy balloon to my girlfriend last night.

Boy2: Well done, i bet it was well sticky!

by Kess Piffington October 24, 2017

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soggy Latka

the same as soggy biscuit but instead of guys jacking off on a biscuit...Jews guys get together and jack off on a latka and the last person to cum eats it.

Person1-5--cums on latka
person6- (fat dude who ahs never jacked off) Cums on latka...puts a ton of it on!
Person 7- shit i have to eat the soggy latka

by Jewjacker February 16, 2006

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Soggy dumpling

After a person has sucked on your balls making them wet and soggy you proceed to rest your soggy balls upon their face or head

Fuck a simba, here’s a soggy dumpling

by Darkvelvet February 14, 2020

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soggy donut

When a group of guys stand around a donut and jack off on it and last one to ejaculate has to eat it!!

Hunter James Kevin and Peter were having a soggy donut and Hunter lost and had to eat it

by jimmy and jack September 28, 2006

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