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Dukes spilled water

Duke Depp spilled his water on his live,now all of the sudden everyone loves that there is a video going around with him spilling the water!

Did you see the video of Duke spilling his water?
Yes it was so funny! Someone in the fandom has a username with dukes spilled water init!

by dukes_spilledwater May 22, 2021

Trill spill

A staple in southern slang used in certain areas or by certain people in Texas to describe whatever is being associated with the term as being the truth or true or legit or of truth or official as of what is being said about or about to be said about the person place or thing

Say tonight was live he went out there and did his thing tonight hell yeah #trill spill

Oh yeah that was official #trill spill

by 2treal July 31, 2022

spilled the phone

see spill the phone

"dude, careful ... you almost spilled the phone all over the place"

by Z December 2, 2003

shower spill

The act of peeing in the shower

You said you had to pee really bad but all I heard was the shower running were you shower spilling

by Wiener squirt May 9, 2016

egg yolk spill

the beautiful runny action that happens when you cut an egg yolk in half

That egg yolk spill looks like the abscess I drained for my patient last week

by sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfasldfj3 September 15, 2018

Alaskan oil spill

After a hot night of doing the Alaskan pipeline & the poop condom was left inside the person. Therefore causing it to spill everywhere.

Fella #1-"Hey bro, I was giving her the Alaskan Pipeline last night and I must have passed out because when I woke up I was holding the Alaskan oil spill in MY ass!"

Fella#2- "So she turned the tables on you, nice!"

by 1kookat July 23, 2021

Real Spill

A term that can only be uttered and used by the chosen few so strongly confined in "real spill" itself to use it to describe a very true or lifelike situation. It is not something so simply defined and measured by the limitations of human language. Real spill.

Bowly: Man, my girlfriend got pregnant again.

Ryan: "Real spill"

by realspill225 March 6, 2024

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