Giggle-spit means when you laugh so hard you spit out your drink or saliva
Gill told me the funniest story and made me giggle-spit my drink all over my dashboard!
The white substance that forms at the side of the mouth, mostly forms when using drugs.
"Wipe your mouth you've got goblin spit, it's bait."
Two people that hook up with the same person
max: i hooked up with lucia last week her ass and tits are so nice
alex: i know right i hooked up with her last night
max: dude we’re spit bros
alex: yeah man
Your degrees of kissing separation, i.e. you made out with someone who made out with someone who made out with someone, etc.
Just found out I'm in the spit chain with Kevin Bacon, which also makes me in the chain with Elon Musk.
A master masturbatèur can choose the handless method and tuck his dick between his legs and rub them together rapidly like a cricket until he splooges on his thighs.
Keeping his hands on 10 & 2 Jason W. chooses safety and gets off while driving by performing the spitting cricket.
When you leave remains of discharge(shit)on your underwear.
Everyone notice that I had shitty spits on my ass in the school locker room.
The upward projection of toilet chemical (usually blue) from a compressed air powered toilet flush. Usually found on the public restrooms of trains, buses, and other modes of public transportation.
Have an eye when you use the can in there - you'll get shitter spit on you if you don't step back when you flush.