An internal spread is when you put to thumbs in your bum to the last knuckle then spread your thumbs while they are inserted in your bum!;-)
She watched me do the internal spread then licked the chocolate off of me thumbs!;-)$-)
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When you finger a girl on her period
"Bro my girl made me spread her jam last night"
"Damn bro I love spreading the jam!"
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when you cum on a tray and put it in the oven cook it for 2 hours then put it in a sandwich and eat eat it
person1: yeah tonight im cooking the spread
person2: oh yeah can i have some
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spreading coronavirus through a rural area
stay away from that chad, he thinks covid is a hoax, and that bastard is ghetto spreading.
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A drinking game in which a group of people drink in a circle, from a large mixed drink (usually made in a 2 liter bottle). Each person takes a drink and passes it to the next person, who ever finishes the bottle does not have to chug a beer in the end.
I have a fifth of vodka and a 2 liter, want to play spread the word?
5๐ 15๐
Spreading the love
"Spreading the love" = Very drunk.
"Spreading the love" = Talking rubbish to strangers.
"Spreading the love" = Extremely inebriated
"Spreading the love" =Not thinking things though before videos are made of you.
"Spreading the love" = Not knowing where you are, but feeling good about it.
Oh man I was "spreading the Love" till early this morning.
You should have seen geoff last night he was "spreading the love" all over town.
It's going to be a great one tonight, im going to "spread the love" to stangers all night.
8๐ 32๐
"Spreading the love" = Very drunk.
"Spreading the love" = Talking rubbish to strangers.
"Spreading the love" = Extremely inebriated
"Spreading the love" = Not thinking things through before videos are made of you.
"Spreading the love" = Not knowing where you are, but feeling good about it.
Oh man I was "spreading the Love" till early this morning.
You should have seen geoff last night he was "spreading the love" all over town.
It's going to be a great one tonight, im going to "spread the love" to strangers all night.
6๐ 22๐