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Squat Cobbler

A Squat Cobbler also known in some areas as a Hoboken Squat Cobbler involves a naked man sitting down on a pie and wiggling around. Crying may or may not be involved. It’s a fetish.

The squat cobbler loved having his picture taken while dressed as a baby.

by Sal T Penuz April 3, 2016

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squat sauce


I had to race to the bathroom and squat sauce.

by Scottwax April 27, 2003

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squat beast

An ugly girl or woman. Derived from the fact that women squat when they urinate.

"My god, she's a real squat beast".

by Ytram December 17, 2006

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squat thrusts

gym workout where you squat then thrust here by looking like youre humping

"shower gotta get me one just got back from the gym doing my squat thrusts" "squat thrusts are hard. real hard" "its worth it to get a burn in my sweet inner thigh" "you know how you can soothe that burn? pour sweet cream on it" "sounds to me like the sweet cream needs to be whipped blahahahahah"

by brittanie perez July 11, 2008

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pop a squat

A bastardization of "cop a squat," to sit down.

Vivian: Well, I'm gonna give, umβ€”you'll buy a snap dog; we'll cop a squat under a tree somewhere.

Edward: Cop a what?

Vivian: Cop a squat.

This is from "Pretty Woman." Notice it's cop, not pop a squat.

by Jame Gumb November 13, 2007

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Gas squat

An emission of methane gas from the anus, typically when squatting.

-Man, Larry just gas squatted!

by bewingedthings November 26, 2017

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Squatting pony

sex move in which man sits on couch chick faces him and steps up on couch and sits down on his cock then bounces up and down

I gave her the squatting Pony!

by JBut November 25, 2007

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