"picked up the bottle and star-sixed it"
Bang Bang
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A television show originally spawned by Gene Roddenberry. It Is the greatest science fiction show ever produced. It, unlike nearly every other science fiction show or movie, relies on a cerebral approach to solve a poblem rather than a gun, something that is very twoubling in today's science fiction. Star Wars posesses a James Bond sort of quality of shoot, shoot again, shoot some more, blow up something, kill billions of people only to be redeemed by saving one.
It is a great travesty that after the murder of billions, Vader was redeemed by saving the life of one, his son, who also killed billions all in the name of an equally imperialistic cause. Star Trek would never allow that.
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The fantastic fantasy saga about the tradgedy of Darth Vader.
The villian who's really the victim.
Made by George Lucas. If you don't know any more about them, I suggest you have a Star Wars marathon and watch them all. Each one is amazing in their own way.
Quote Yoda-Star Wars:
'Do or do not... there is no try.'
'Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.'
'Pain, suffering, death I fear. Something terrible has happened, young Skywalker is in pain. Terrible pain!'
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Not Star Trek
For the last time Billy, Star Wars is not Star Trek
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-A Military Credit Card sponsored by Affes that will ruin your whole life.
-The worst decision you could ever make, comparable to stabbing yourself in the chest.
-"Having a Star Card is like going to Thailand as a Lance Corporal and knocking up a Thai national, only to go back to Thailand 18 years later as a Master Gunnery Sergeant and unknowingly banging a Katoy (She-male) who turns out to be the love child of the Thai woman you had knocked up 18 years prior".
-"Having a Star Card is like going on a road trip with your family and stopping at a restaurant to eat where instead you are tied down and your whole family is beaten and raped in front of your own eyes and before releasing you, they make you pay for it all and the only currency accepted for some ungodly reason, is Star Card."
"Someone stole my Star Card! Phew* Its their problem now".
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Someone that has come up from hustlin and is now famous, notorious, rich, or respected because of it.
That man Jay-Z is a hustle star. He's been on the hustle his whole life. On the street, in the studio, his own clothing line, owns a team,etc.
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Multi-pointed metallic throwing weapon used by martial artists. Mainly used by Ninjitsu it is also used by practitioners of other styles. Small and discreet, can be carried in pocket. Can be laced with poison for quick killing.
This idiot broke into my house last night. After giving him a groin kick and a backfist he staggered off my front porch. I broke out the throwing star and gave him a going away present in his butt.
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