Source Code

Jew Strike

A bowling reference for a frame in which a gutter ball is thrown first and the bowler proceeds to pick up the spare.

Did you see the way Gary picked up all 10 pins for that spare?! Classic Jew Strike!

by GiveMeBowlingOrGiveMeDeath March 9, 2017

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Drone Striking

Similar to "submarining", Drone Striking is when you completely cut off all communication with a ting/boo/bae and then dramatically re-appear into their life. Typically, a Drone Strike takes place when the relationship and/or breakup was shocking and nobody thought you would reappear into each others' lives.

"OMG you'll never guess who just slid into my DM's and said he's in town."
"Wowwww he had the nerve to resurface like that!? That's hella drone striking territory."

"Should I drone strike bae from 6 years ago and see how he's doing?"
"Go for it girl. Hit him with the feels."

by dankocean April 9, 2018

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like strike

liking every post on a target's facebook page causing them to receive a notification for each "like"

1: Dude, I got like strike -d last night, my e-mail is jacked.
2: Man, that sucks.

by in4m8ion January 31, 2010

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Strike Rate

The amount of times a person is managing to have sex in a given period of time

Johnny's Strike Rate is unbelievable at the minute! He has had 9 birds in the last 2 weeks.

by lovesthebanter June 8, 2011

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CS IS T3H 1337N3S |T OWNZ0rZ 4LL other g4m3Z!

Definer :it has now become the home of cheaters, morons, people who cannot actually use real words (instead replacing them with poorly spelled words which are then converted into a string of ASCII characters and letters - see also 1337) and young male teenagers who call anything a "fag" (meaning homosexual) and as such is avoided by everyone who has even a single brain cell.
Player : D00D u R t3h fUcK t4rD!! OMG W00T!

by P00f4c3 August 16, 2004

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Counter Strike

counter-strike is a game where u kill other players.
i only played it so that i could prove my brothers wrong as they thought that girls couldnt play shooting games. except i totally sucked at it.
but i got addicted and wasnt even old enough to play it.
still gd though. love it. :)

brother:girls cant play counter srike.
sister:watch me
girl plays counter strike and sucks.
3 months later
brother: y arent u playing cs? u played it like everyday after school
sister: im not addicted anymore
brother: y not?
sister: im addicted to rs now
brother: omg that game is shit
sister: so are u

by psycho-gurl May 9, 2006

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gold strike

Goldschlager's cheap evil cousin. Contains Fool's Gold flakes.

Yo homie let's go to Robin Hood for a few pints of Snake Bite and Gold Strike shot-o-gold.

by colt45bda March 20, 2008

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