sweeps is to sleep but said and spelled differently. Has to be used verbatim: Sweeps/sweeps.
Alright man, I'll ttyl. Gonna go sweeps
On point, awesome. Looks good.
Your lips are on sweep.
That color of red is on sweep.
To utterly destroy an opposing team of battlers with one of your own.
"Yo, I just used a Rattata to sweep Cynthia!"
A women having their hand kissed by a large mustached man.
"Hello nice to meet you." "You as well." {lean in and kiss hand} {first person pulls back} "What was that." {laughter} "That was a hand sweeping."
We made a queen sweep in every sport, and won the olympics
When you fart while having sex and grab a handful of the fart gas and throw It in the persons face
I just love it when a guy keeps crop sweeping me during a jungle pillow
1. Getting someone's number (digits) or flirting.
"Sweeping" in on someone you wanna hit up or bang. The "D" is a play on dick or digits.
Both apply in the moment pretty much.
ex 1.
Sarah: "Oh dude did you see that guy?"
Marisa: "He's hot. I'd sweep his d."
ex 2.
Haley: "I'm totally sweeping the d with this guy right now."
Max: "The one you keep staring at?"
Haley: "Yeah he keeps looking back at me like I don't know. I'm gonna go talk to him."