Arrogant and/or obnoxiously preppy renewable finance professional with little to no social skills. Most commonly early to late twenties, poor attitude, and generally unwholesome demeanor.
I think its trash that this pumpkin tart is asking me so many detailed questions while I am trying to ride around in this truck fixing these solar panels.
a woman who dresses or behaves in a way that is considered tasteless and sexually provocative.
a prostitute.
"the tarts were touting for trade"
'Claude! Hannah is such a useless maid! She's a bloody tart!'
US nouveau riche Suburban Female, usually between the ages of 35 and 50, that dresses too young and trendy for her age. Spice Tarts are most often seen wearing large sunglasses, shiny short jackets, ugg boots, North Face jackets and other jappy attire. Usually overly tan, but attractive in a slutty one night stand sort of way.
That freaking spice tart took up two spaces with her black Range Rover outside of Starbucks.
large breasts, boobs, tits, knockers, fun bags, jubblies
or in dennis rancks words: pillows
you can also call someone a barch if you wanted to call them a bitch.
barch tarts = bitch tits
damn dude karli's got some nice barch tarts, i even named em! SABRINA AND CINNAMON!!!
A female that will do anything for methamphetamine and just won't go away
That Laura is such a shard tart. She won't ever go home
genetic girl's name for tgirl who has sex with other tgirls
"I did'nt know you were a tranny tart!" said in a complimentary way.