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taste like ass

When something taste like shit

Bro this drink taste like ass

by Mad G Ting September 15, 2019

tastes like burning

when cooking somthing but it's so hot it has no flavor

"My soup's gonna taste great......as soon as it dosent tastes like burning"

by Selim Versailles January 14, 2010

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

bro taste test

When a bro is going on a date with a girl who he expects to get oral sex from, he will have one of his bros taste his penis for him to make sure it’s clean for his date. A bro taste test is usually practiced in US college fraternities and mma fight gyms.

Bro1: Hey bro! So I’m going on a date with this girl from work and I’m pretty sure she’s going to blow me. Would you mind giving me a bro taste test?
Bro2: Absolutely! Anything for my favorite bro!

-20 minutes later-
Bro2: Bro, I think you’re good to go.
Bro1: (crying) Thanks bro, you’re the best!

by mart5124 July 15, 2018

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High Ass Taste

A term that describes the taste in your mouth from coughing on the smoke of a cashed bowl.

You are smoking a bowl and you think it is cashed, when you go to suck it through you hit it really hard trying to clear it but there is more there than you think, then it finaly sucks through and you start to cough on the smoke. Your mouth is stained with the ass taste from the end of the bowl but you are super high from coughing...High Ass Taste!

by ~*KDIZZ*~ May 11, 2009

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Tastes Like Pennies

When you're licking pussy and your tongue happens to hit her bung - you get the instantaneous taste of copper.
See also: Copper Mining

I was mackin' away when all of a sudden my my tongue hit her ass and I thought to myself: Mmmm... Tastes Like Pennies!

by threesixoh August 14, 2006

45πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

taste it twice diet

Medically known as bulimia nervosa, when food is forcefully vomitted by an individual (effectively "Tasting it twice"); popular (and rather playful) way of referring to it in the 80's and early 90's before it was widely acknowledged as a disorder. Still used in crowds that either (A) Are ignorant to the risks or (B) Don't give a damn about the risks and regard it more as a diet.

"Jessica doesn't stick around long after dinner...and she's lookin a little skinny...guess someone's on the taste it twice diet."

by Gin_that_moved_away April 21, 2006

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Tastes like ass!

A culinary term used in kitchens by cooks. It refers to something tasting awful or a recipe / dish not made skillfully!

Cook- Chef try my sauce for today's feature!
Chef - Seriously - that tastes like ass! Make it again...

by Cooks Like a Chef January 22, 2013

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