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hollywood straight

A person who lives their public life as a straight person, but is really gay. His/her close friends and family know, but no one else. closeted, in the closet, gay, lesbian, on the down low

Yeah, John is hollywood straight, he goes out with hot models, but has a boyfriend named Tom that he sees on the side.

by joecoolthefool November 6, 2015

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Hollywood Undead

Hollywood Undead is an American rock band currently comprising of five core members. Daniel 'Danny' Murillo, George 'Johnny 3 Tears' Ragan, Jorel 'J-Dog' Decker, Jordon 'Charlie Scene' Terrell, and Dylan 'Funny Man' Alvarez. Although they are labeled as a rock band, their genre fluctuates between songs. This is most notable when comparing the songs 'Black Dahlia' and 'Everywhere I Go'. They have been officially active since 2008, and continue to make music.

Hollywood Undead's new album came out!

Hollywood Undead's debut album 'Swan Songs' reached #22 on the Billboard 200.

by Insomnia24-7 March 3, 2018

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Hollywood jones

A lyrical name for a conceited lyricist who has been destined to change this world with his lyrics

A lyrical theme is a Hollywood Jones movement

by Hollywood Jones December 25, 2016

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Hollywood Square

A television, A.K.A death box. Used as a resource for staying up to date with current fads. Scroll through the channels and be informed as to how you should dress and which musicians you should like.

"This Christmas, all of the sheep will flock to the malls to blow their hard earned cash on flat screen HOLLYWOOD SQUARES.

by shrimpshrimpshrimp December 21, 2010

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Hollywood Holiday

When a guy goes down on one of his guy friends. Sucking your friend cock.

Did you see Tony treated Joe to a Hollywood Holiday

by heisadouche June 23, 2021

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Hollywood Kiss

When a guy brush's a piece of hair away from a girls face and the they pull her face to his and he kiss's her tenderly

He gave her the most romantic hollywood kiss

by aKSdeffinition September 17, 2009

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Hollywood undead

looks like the slipknot of Gay homo scene Hiphop/rock fusion. Ick...when you listen to it...you can actually taste it....and it tastes like the Rotting crotches of female Hollywood celebrities on coke who composed a terrible thought of stuffing their sexual organs with tuna fish while fucking every known male celebrity in all of hollywood and not washing after wards. Then later to find that maggots are squirming within themselves and eatting them from the inside where later after they disease, their whole remains will be luquified into a glass to be served on a platter before Myself and other musicians to sample and say..."wow..This tastes like shit!..what is this?" "Oh its hollywood undead" "take it off the menu!!"...yes.....

You smell like Hollywood undead .

by Gozzer03 December 21, 2008

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