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State Park

A small town east of St.Louis, not to be mistaken for Collinsville, IL. It is a community made up of mostly whites and hispanics, most of whom are relatively violent. You can find drug dealers, gangbangers, thieves, crackheads, racists and everything in between. If your in State Park then you are lost or probably up to no good. Outsiders are rarely welcome and usually get jumped or robbed. In the rare case that an outsider is allowed to ride with the State Parkers he/she is either stealing for them, having sex with them or is just a stand up person. You dont want to catch yourself stuck in State Park not knowing anyone, plus the streets are ran by many packs of mix-breed dogs and they do bite. If the Hoosiers dont get you the mutts will. Many have tried to take them out an few have accomplished the task. So when you just want to kick your shoes off, have a cold one and have a trouble free day, you should probably not come to State Park.

Man, dont fuck with him, he's from State Park
No dont turn here, that way is State Park
Dude, I got jumped in State Park yesterday

by stateparker July 27, 2009

43๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

state zitte

"State Zitte" is Italian for "shut up." It is pronounced "STAH-tay DZEE-tay." It comes from the Italian words "stare (STAH-ray)," meaning "to be" or "to stay," and "zitto (DZEE-toh)," meaning "silent." This particular conjugation can only be used when talking to a group of women.

When talking to a single male: Sta' zitto.
... a single female: Sta' zitta.
... a group of males: State zitti
... a group of females: State zitte.

Sta' zitta, stupid biotch.

by Hoobajoobalicious December 28, 2004

16๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Penn State

A school with one of the most kick ass Greek Life systems ever. Not for the faint of heart.

Penn State Fraternity Row, aka the cultural capital of Greek Life in the United States

by ms4brendan November 1, 2018

15๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

deep state

Latest term in a continuing series of fictional terms used by individuals addicted to acting like victims who are some of the most ignorant or problematic people in America, mostly on the far right, who are better and more intelligently known as, The Deep Dumb. This is a section of America who feel they have been ignorance and rightly so, because they have so many ridiculous beliefs that are frequently damaging even to themselves.

One can tell politicians who have no other claim to current notoriety than to make stupid shite up in riling up those who are even dumber than they are and are currently being mouthed by the great goof ball Donald Trump in the White House, and all his political fluffers and minions. Also, see Fox News, InfoWars, Drudge Report, Sean Hannity, esp. Newt Gingrich, et. al.

We have a lot of conservative "tin foil hat" patients here in Western State Mental Hospital who are long term residents of a deep state of delusion who believe in a Deep State in our government; that being anyone in government who disagrees with recent and sad political pathetics like President Trump.

by JZMurdock June 29, 2017

477๐Ÿ‘ 417๐Ÿ‘Ž


A prestigious group of talented musicians representing various counties in a single state who conjoin yearly for a short period of two to three days to play outstanding music and have an all around good time for making it that far.

Mandy was so happy she made first chair trumpet at all-state she could hardly contain herself!

by Megan April 4, 2005

26๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

michigan state

the greatest college ever cant wait to go to. the hottest guys go there and their just plain awsome

i love michigan state

by Jessica May 2, 2004

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state job

Synonymous with dying in a really embarrassing way, such as accidentally choking yourself with your belt while masturbating, or impaling yourself on a broomstick during homosexual shenanigans. Only worse.

Guy 1:"Whatever happened to that crackhead Jim?"
Guy 2:"I heard he got a state job."
Guy 1:"Oh man, that's too bad."

by spacecowboy November 18, 2003

13๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž