When your wife is sleeping hard and needs to wake up, so you go in for a quickie to jump start her day while attempting to climax right as she wakes up
I'll be a little late to work today, need to take care of a dead battery
a smol object that runs on electricity that sacrifices its battery life to power yuor shet
it has a short life and drinks iJuice to replenish is energy
The thing you use to fuel your xbox controller/flashlight
Guy 1:Hey,you got any Batteries?
Guy 2:Nope,what for?
Guy 1,My Xbox Controller
when you are with a friend or friends and you see your principle you have to whisper “batteries” in your friends ear if you are in a “batteries radius” Aka 30 ft” . If you see your female principle it’s pretty similar you just whisper “female batteries “. Pretty simple
Hey Jake I need to whisper you something, okay , “batteries’ oh shit yea batteries.
A device containing an electric cell or a series of electric cells storing energy that can be converted into electrical power, (In Simple words) An Object That Powers Many Devices, Such As, Toys, Remotes, Controllers, etc.
I Put A Battery In A Remote For It Turn On And Change Channels