A male is going to town with a female from behind, making sure he has a firm grip on her. At this point the male will yell "RODEO!", and a group of his friends bust out of the closet and turn on the light. As the female screams and attempts to flee, the male must ride her like a cowboy, shouting and screaming "YEEHAW!" while a friend with a stopwatch times how long he will last.
Check out this rodeo cowboy. He lasted 15 seconds before she bucked him off.
Wild ass "yee-haw" anal sex, usually with a partner who was not expecting it. The receiving partner is most likely to be trying to buck off the giving partner
Man, if I ever got the chance, I would totally take Ryan to the rectal rodeo
One chap having sexual congress with two ladies at the same time
Hey bro, after we left the pub past night those two slappers went tandem rodeo on me, I've got clap at both ends now!
When a woman is on her period and removes her tampon by ripping it out and spinning it around her head.
“Did you have sex with him? Aren’t you on your period?”
“We had a blood rodeo”
When you mount someones back and stick a popsicle up their butt, then see how long you can hold on before they buck you off
My anus is still frozen from the popsicle rodeo. Jerry popsicled me for a full 8 seconds!
When the giver only stays on the task for eight seconds, and believes it was a “successful ride”.
My wife just gave me a rodeo blowjob, so now I’m left to my own accord.