A disease that every high school student catches near the end of the year where no one wishes to do anything.
My procrastination this month is the side effect of end-of-the-yearitis.
A portal that means "your fucked" if you fall into it, and "go die "if you jump into it.
the end of a row of terraed houses, also used as a way to call someone a "Gay Bellend" without them noticing
"look at that emofag over there, what a gable end"
The Hardest place in the small town of bicester
its so hard it has its own song
stfu were in the heart on kings end your gonaa get us shot
fuck of am i walking home through kings end ill get my head kicked in
Your bum, esp. in a chase scene.
"I know the enemy is right behind me! He's about to crawl right up my wrong-end!"
The big end reciprocates in a thrusting motion and at speed which increases friction on the side walls.
The larger end of one's rod rotating at high speeds developing thrust but requires excessive lubrication to reduce excessive frictional markings or blueing of both the shaft and bore.
Wow my big end has serious thrust damage.