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The residual yellowish discoloration that settles on the teeth of a person who performs copious amounts of fellatio.

For many years, I have speculated upon the reasons why her teeth were so yellow at such a young age. Then the answer hit me like a ten ton truck. She has Dick-Tooth from all of the blow J's that she has given to numerous men throughout town.

by MuthaFuckaJones December 10, 2011

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tooth game

A bitch whos teeth are so fucked up, its the first thing you notice about her

I tried to holler at old girl, saw she had tooth game, so i had to bounce

by deathbonker July 2, 2008

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Popcorn tooth

Popcorn tooth is something that happens to your teeth when you don’t brush your teeth enough and they then go all yellow and look like toffee popcorn

Gavin: ewww you have popcorn tooth

James: OMG I do shit I better learn to brush my teeth more

Gavin: yeah you dirty skunk

by Ultimate popcorn December 4, 2017

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Guzzle tooth

1.Rapidly guzzling down your beverage of choice, usually contains alchohol.

2.Being the first person out of alcohol at a party.

Look at guzzle tooth go to town on that bottle of jaggermeister!!

by therivordreward May 18, 2005

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Dairy Tooth

Similar in nature to a sweet tooth.

A person is said to have a dairy tooth if they frequently have cravings for dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.

John has such a dairy tooth that he could eat a brick of cheese in one sitting. It’s a good thing he isn’t lactose intolerant.

by Johnnyway December 2, 2010

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raggle toothed

a girl whose teeth resemble those of a jagged great white shark

hey, Mike watch out on your date tonight with Kayla, i heard that bitch is so raggletoothed she would slice clean through your dick before you even knew what hit ya

hey, mike watch out on your date tonight with Kayla; I heard that bitch is so raggle toothed she would slice clean through your dick like a shark on a seals ass

by Insert Name Here March 11, 2015

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false tooth

When a girl who is missing a tooth is giving you head and you cum where the tooth should be.

Yeah she got her tooth knocked out but I gave her a false tooth last night.

by Yellow Hat Man December 16, 2016

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