Ty is a girl that smart, funny, weird, and lazy. She is a weird girl that says dumb things. If her friend tell a joke that's not funny she will still laugh. She is a lazy person like if a person call her name she will get mad and walk slowly.
Ty is a tall cutie patootie with brown hair and blue green eyes. Probably was a nonchalant mullet man at one time but finally grew out of that phase. Famous ladies man for sure.
Oh Ty? Yeah he’s such a cutie patootie. Forever my schnookums.
He will break your shins and is a bitch. He has lots of coal which is weird and all.
The fuck. He's being Ty again.
Ty is a cool person, in fact the coolest person to ever live and breathe. Ty is the swaggyest person alive and everyone that is within a 200000000000000000 miles radius from them are so in love with them.
person 1: “Yea that’s my friend Ty.”
A Ty is bearded badass. The only thing bigger than his beard is his cock. He’s most likely your favorite teams star quarterback, which is why hasn’t jerked off since 5th grade.
A Ty fucked my principal and her secretary during lunch today!
A young sex hound with a megachode, he gets the girl always. He loves meat and alchohol.