an alex is the most amazing kind of human to ever exist (specifically blonde ones that live in L.A with a chocolate labrador). She's amazing, wonderful, and wonderful. Did I say amazing? They're really great. Their voice tends to be referred to as a "hot babe voice", which is also great. Overall, anyone with the name alex is superior. Very awesome. Very spivey.
When I first heard your voice, I knew you would be a hot babe.
An alex is very much a hot babe.
*quotation slightly edited from original
Most Alex’s I know are pretty manipulative both good and bad ways.
Don’t date one it’ll ruin you.
Chill friends though and pretty smart people so there’s that.
Alex cheated on me twice.
Alex will be your best friend, sure you'll dislike them sometimes but the next day you guys hang out like normal. He is packed with memes (especially boob memes) and most of them are very concerning but funny. He is smart but also has bad vision when looking for people. He doesn't really have crushes or looking for a gf most of the time. He's funny in many different ways. Sometimes there are girl Alex's but this Alex I'm talking about is a boy, one of my best friends. If you have an Alex in your life, don't let him go.
Friend: Is Alex the one you like?
Me: Not anymore, he rejected me.
alex is a beautiful girl insisde out she is a really good friend and u should always be gratful for her <3
alex is an icon
Alex is a good guy sometimes in a wheelchair who will give u money if u need some but cuz he is a bulangiu he is gonna try to get that money back from you and will try anything in his power to do so, or just to run u over with his wheelchair.
Alex likes Dominic but he needs his money back,so he just ran him over with his wheelchair
Alex is a extremely shy individual and isn’t willing to share his non-typical sexuality to his friends. He insists he is straight, but everyone knows he is homosexual.