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Word Boner

1. A person who has a creepy fetish for words

2. Someone who gets horny while reading

3. Someone who can get a boner from listening to certain men with deep, sexy voices.

1. I'm such a Word Boner that reading Harry Potter gives me an orgasm!

2. "Dude, that kid there has been reading his math text book for over an hour. Think he's a Word Boner?" "Undoubtedly bro!"

3. Morgan Freeman, Benedict Cumberbatch, Alan Rickman, all these guys give me Word Boners!

by The Inedible Llam January 9, 2014

fight boner

Getting hyped and excited about a fight going on around or being in a fight and enjoying it.

the latter possibility arises if you like having the adversary as adversary, for various reasons

Hisoka, an experienced fighter in a tournament arena setting has been watching a newbie gon develop at amazing rate and they finally face off. Mid fight, Hisoka to Gon:
Oh.. Don't look at me like that. I'm getting turned on!!! (fight boner)

by wyunofuuk September 26, 2018

boner stick

It's where your penis gets stabbed repeatedly with a stick or something spikey

Bob: Hey Ron,
Ron: Hey Bob,
Bob: I got dared yesterday to give myself a boner stick.
Ron: That sucks, do it again.

by whoahwhoah27 October 1, 2017

Bay Boner

When you watching an action scene in a movie (doesn't have to be a Michael Bay movie) with guns, explosions, and shit so intense you actually start popping chub.

Dude the new Jason Statham movie was awesome! During the car chase when he blows up that building in North Korea I got a total Bay Boner

by Th3 KMeister March 15, 2016

prayer boner

when you worship the lord so hard you get a half chub or a full boner

yesterday at church i was praying so hard i got a prayer boner

by zefin May 1, 2019

coner boner

The way of putting an ice cream cone on your dick and use it as a condom

Dude some guy at school used the old coner boner on his girlfriend.

lol thats funny man

by timmmmah March 5, 2012

Rainy Boner

For people who get too happy when it rains.

Its raing, Ichi must have a Rainy Boner right now.

by Wizardboii August 16, 2021