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George Lewis

The generic name for the biggest dickhead on the planet

"Did you hear about that dumbass George Lewis?"
"Yep, he fucked an apricot"

by natalie wood fan August 11, 2022

george lincoln

a secret spy that fought ivan drago and won but then thanos snapped his ass back to 1945

im tryna george lincoln with you

by matty tingles April 17, 2023

George W. F. H. Bush

Commando-in-sheets. President of working from home in nothing but a shirt. Gets dressed by invading the Dryrack. Went to Yale but pretends to be from Texas to gain acceptance from his O&G colleagues. Bedroom also known as the Broval Office.

Colleagues on Teams call: "I think you're on mute - we can't hear you."
George W. F. H. Bush: "But I can hear YOU!"

by daltonjfk September 24, 2021

George W. F. H. Bush

The commando-in-chief. President of working from home in nothing but a shirt, gets dressed by invading the Dryrack. Went to Yale but says he's from Texas so his O&G coworkers will accept him.

Coworkers on the Teams call: "I think you're on mute, we can't hear you."
George W. F. H. Bush: "But I can hear you!"

by daltonjfk September 24, 2021

george drew

meaning fuck me . fuck me now. fuck me here. fuck me tonight. wanting sex right that instant

girl: david..?
boy: yeass ?
girl: george drew..??
boy: ..?? ... im coming right now!!! :D :P(|)

by blobbblobbloobby May 25, 2011

Ryan George

Ryan George is a popular Male Canadian YouTube comedian who makes skits about relatable and/or funny topics. He has amassed over 1.74 million subscribers as of August 2024. One of the main series’ he is known for is "The First Guy". He also collaborates with other known people, such as JacksFilms and Julie Nolke.

Person 1: Do you know Ryan George?
Person 2: The YouTube comedian?
Person 1: Yes.
Person 2: Yes I do.

by idkwhatnametoputhere August 5, 2024

George Herriot’s School

A school for rich fucks who have had absolutely everything handed to them, they’ve never dealt with a struggle before in their life. Yes this school might be good for academics but it’s students end up with a superiority complex and no empathy whatsoever.

Your girl goes to George Herriot’s School? damn sucks to be you.

by hahahahahhahahaha May 31, 2020