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Nigus de gigus

Turkish refugees in Switzerland

I like nigus de gigus

by Niceguy_69 March 31, 2024

Jasper De Lange

Een randdebiel / flapdrol / oetlul / hansworst

Die jongen is een echte Jasper De Lange, ocharme.

by Jappiejaap May 30, 2020


new opposite of inspire.

( dë-spy-rur)
1. the act of de-motivation or preventing an act or movement.
2. found in contrary to an argument, plan or discussion.

I de-spired the party becuase it was planned inefficiently.

by sunflover! May 23, 2023

St.Francis de sales Highschool

St Francis desales Highschool is a gay ass boring ass lame ass high school with racist teachers that favor every white student in existence. It’s also famously known for a rape incident that happened in the school parking lot with administrators such as bill stellar sugar coating it.

“Omg you go to St.Francis de sales Highschool that lame ass school

by Desales class of 2020 September 9, 2021

Dar uma de Yillo

Tentar por muito tempo fazer algo e mesmo assim não funcionar

Meu Deus Cebolinha, você Dar uma de Yillo hein.

by ReidoTK June 23, 2020

17 de abril

Día internacional de Yunho y Mingi

Buah tío el 17 de abril Yunho y mingi se comieron la boca por fin!! Dentro de poco se comerán el pito.

by Oliverybenji April 16, 2020

Jeaux de Kloet

A traditional south German ball game. A game of 'Kloet' is played by throwing apples at a box filled with empty beer cans. The person who has missed the box the most loses the game. This person is now 'The Kloet' and has to gather enough apples to play the next game.

Me: Wanna play Jeaux de Kloet?

Bou: Sure, but I don't want to be the Kloet anymore

by Kloetje July 27, 2022