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To be the first to get something for nothing. Example: A man hires a carpenter crew to build his home and a friend of the home owner believes he can pick up scrap wood without permission with, undo care of maybe the home owner or carpenters may want the scrap wood.

First to Recieve,Cream-Skimmer is someone who is Selfish,Personal Gain

by pushnook August 9, 2011

Cream Cheese Energy

Someone's energy that's giving off white vibes, but comes out sassy.

The soccer mom had cream cheese energy when talking to the manager.

by Whiskerandough August 27, 2018

Cream Warming

The act of cock warming post creampie, usually falling asleep or cuddling still connected for an extended period of time.

Man last night I fell asleep cream warming Jenna. It felt so good to just pass out afterwards.

by Ppwonder March 17, 2024

Astronaut Ice Cream

Vegetable shortening in an ice cream cone topped with sprinkles of chewing tobacco.

"C'mon now if you want to be a part of this fraternity you're going to have to eat your Astronaut Ice Cream."

by FigiBI323 February 3, 2017

A&D cream

Ass and dick cream

I didn't get enough vitamin d from sunlight on my ass and dick so I put a&d cream on instead

by bushlight November 4, 2017

Cream Cheese my Bagel

When a guy asks a girl to cream cheese my bagel he is asking her to put a bagel with cream cheese on his dick and jerk it off while she eats the bagel.

Leah can you cream cheese my bagel?

by Licktheclit69 September 28, 2018

Oatmeal cream pie

When you pour oatmeal on a woman’s wet vagina and right before you cum you stick your dick inside of her pussy covered oatmeal, substituting the water used to make oatmeal with semen.

Yea Johnny got me good last night and gave me an oatmeal cream pie. So hot

by Derip September 22, 2020