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suey off the top

jumping off a high place, meaning suicide off the top, used in a joking way. no harm done, usually used when playing games.

*context; in a hill, tower, about to drop down, or just any high place* playboikobe: AYY SUEY OFF THE TOP BOYS!!

by piggle riggle ri June 18, 2022

Chocolate Top Hat

Usually happens during surprise anal, when a woman has not evacuated their bowels properly. You usually get a five second warning after you mash a turd with your meat stick. Then suddenly, she needs to shit, so you pull out and the tip of your penis is wearing a top hat made of poo.

"After Katie gave me a chocolate top hat, life was not the same. No amount of soap can ever clean me. I might as well throw my dick out."

by Turdgod December 27, 2016

Ego Top

A top who thinks of themselves, as a much better top than they actually are.

They prioritize themselves themself at the expense of the bottom(s).

“He could not get me off, he was such an Ego Top”

by RowanDownTheRiver November 21, 2023

glossy top coat

A clear lacquer that dries to a smooth hard glossy finish. The term is applicable in many scopes (e.g. furniture), but it's mostly in reference to nail polishes.

When doing your nails, a glossy top coat isn't optional, it's absolutely mandatory!

Abigail: Hey girl how's it g— OMG was is that??
Jess: What is what?
Abigail: Your nails....
Jess: Yeah...? What about them?
Abigail: They glossyyy af 😍
Jess: Ohhhh, that's only because I used my glossy top coat
Abigail: OMGGGG I think I'm in love 😍😍😍

glossy top coat

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian October 17, 2021

live sports, espn+ originals, the exclusive home of the complete 30 for 30 library, exclusive articles and tools, top leagues and tournaments, best stories in sports on espn+!

The advertisement phrase used during commercial breaks of ESPN+ broadcasts.

Narrator: "Live sports, ESPN+ originals, the exclusive home of the complete 30 for 30 library, exclusive articles and tools, top leagues and tournaments, best stories in sports on ESPN+!"

by UPFSonic October 21, 2024

tiger top

A cunt

Show me your tiger top

by sjdgdjsnsksbsksb September 8, 2015

kawasaki tube top

(noun and or verb)

noun: A “Kawasaki Tube Top” is commonly defined as an irresistible simp who’s willing to do anything to get their knuckles pounded by passerby’s.

verb: When a man stretches his fishing gaiter out over his shoulders and crawls through it, only allowing the overextended fabric to cover his exposed nipples.

Noun: Hey babe, let’s stay on this side of the street..i don’t want us getting too close to that Kawasaki Tube Top.

Verb: I didn’t think Terry was going to be able to do it..but through sheer will power and drunken commitment, he was able to kawasaki tube top himself.

by JayBoogie714 March 9, 2021