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Frustrated Policemen that you don’t want to have at your door.

Bro those pigs of ICE deported my abuela back to Mexico

by imkyle February 25, 2021


Is a Mook, someone who is a loser

That girl is such an ice

by Iceisamook March 14, 2017


A frozen substance that has a tendency to kill old people.

Grandson- Dad, how did grandpa die?
Dad- Well, he slipped and broke his ass on some ice.

Grandson- Damn, that’s an f in the chat.

by Someboi March 12, 2020


Internal Combustion Engines

It's hoped that electric or hybrid vehicles will replace ICEs as part of efforts to protect the environment.

I'll continue buying ICE vehicles until hybrids and pure electric cars come down in price.

by Jaroslaw Rudnycky'j September 27, 2018


Prop used during TharnType season1

Tharn passed the ice to Type's mouth”

by Passedtheice January 23, 2021


Being ignored

That girl just iced me

by Derealest July 31, 2017


Ice is a cube. 💧 frozen water I suppose.

:boy ICE IN MY CUP?!?!? girl: uhm ice is good?

by lovingraya December 28, 2021