Alex is a tall Sasquatch male he is always on his phone ignoring ppl like a got a whole social life to keep up with he like girls that think like rocks which is strange he is cocky and is shit at call of duty if u come across this dude u need to runnnnnn or he will jump u periodt
Omg is that Alex
Yes bro he’s always on his phone texting and ignoring his “friends”
a fat bitch ass nigga pulls no bitches jealous as fuck never stops eating dick
jealous for a girl that will never like him
jay: alex is a bitch
ricky" i know fuck him
john" he hella gay
aj: he suck dick
An edgy american, that is slightly homo sexual, long hair, white skin color, and a metric shit ton of edgy humor.
GUY-You see Alex over there he is a edgy gay boi lmao, he's basically an basic highschool boi
Alex is the type of person who is incredibly sweet, funny and thoughtful.
He is the kind of guy who will always make you laugh and cherish every moment together. He loves history and will tell you many interesting stories that you will enjoy listening to because he tells them with such care and passion.
All in all - Alex is just a wonderful, beautiful and perfect human being and you will feel lucky to have him in your life.
"You're so lucky to have Alex by your side!"
"I know, I love him so much."
A good person and a good friend.
That man is fantastic, he is such an Alex!
If you have a alex in your life you are lucky. She is everything you could ask for in a friend and more. She is cute and funny and smart. Anyone and everyone likes alex. If your dating a alex then you might as well be in heaven because she is caring cuddly and overall amazing. you'll never find someone like her again so never let go.
Person 1: So did you see alex today.
Person 2: Yeah she looks amazing as always.