Source Code

The Ben Path

The easiest route available.

I was feeling lazy today, so I chose the Ben Path.

by jammyjimmy May 26, 2024

The Ben Path

Choosing to take the easiest path. The origin is the Ben Path at the mountain Ben Nevis, which is the easiest route up the mountain.

I'm feeling quite tired today, so I'll just take the Ben Path

by jammyjimmy June 7, 2024

Ben Grimes

Epic gamer, aka joeiscool and joeiscooler on youtube. Gets mad when jonathan acts annoying and cant take a joke. Very good at gaming, and is best known for his apperances in The Gurkens raps, Jonathan Cotter, Gurken Rick 21, and Jonathan Cotter Pt. 2.

I hate androids, i hate jonathan, joe on top ahaha. -Ben Grimes

by LilHair November 8, 2021

Ben Cliens

Ben is an old man with grey hair who is sometimes known as “old man clangers”. He likes to moan and sell bikes on Facebook.

“Did you see old man clangers selling a bike again”
“Aye, did you see how grey Ben Cliens hair is the old man

by Clangers jr November 22, 2021

Ben Benifits

When you dad leaves your mum to go live on a fishing boat.

My dad pulled a Ben benifits

by Theor1esForYou October 28, 2019

Ben Stiller

that actor in all if those shitty movies you turn on during sex

holy shit its ben stiller

who the fuck is ben stiller”

by bigkitty27 February 2, 2024

Ben from the sauna

a man, no a god. He loves the Craigie saunas and he goes there twice a day. His sauna outfit consists of jorts with a belt and a t-shirt he won in a pool tournament in Thailand, he is unemployed and put all of his money into crypto and his favourite thin in the world is AUS puss

oh my god ben from the sauna is here, lets quickly pray

by ben12321321231 February 18, 2025