someone who has overdosed drugs and is actin a fool with they drunk ass
damn the hoe is one cracked fucker
Someone who constantly shows crack. They run around to the grocery store and do all their running around showing crack to everyone who tries to cop a peek.
Everytime you look at the crack man everyone sees.
The act of licking or sucking or making out with the rim of your partner's anus to provide sexual pleasure and release.
Hey girl, you hungry for some crack snack after the Mumford concert?
Having a "Crab Crack" is when your ill fitting underwear rides up your arse crack, and you have to pinch them back into position using a crab pincher form with your hand.
"Hold on a second! I've got to stop walking, I have a bad case of Crab Crack!"
When you can’t decide whether someone is a crack head or a crack addict
Yo a crack headdict tried to bite my dick off a seven eleven yesterday
When someone says or does something stupid in an attempt to look cool.
Judy just went crack townin' at the bar. She yelled real loud and looked crazy to try to impress Jim.
When the average person (friend or relative) has way too many cameras around their house or appartment capturing every angle of their property. A paranoid person, hiding being caught doing stuff they shouldn't be doing.
Someone hit my car when it was parked in front of my neighbor's house with all of the Crack Cameras so I asked him if he wouldn't mind checking to see who hit me.