The act of oiling your partners ass with a slightly melted stick of butter, putting oatmeal flakes on the buttered ass, and then analy cream pieing your partner.
Bro i tried the Oatmeal Cream Pie on Bekah last night. Lets just say you need to try it yourself.
The act of crapping on a sexual partner's back, then laying atop them to spread the cream.
"The wife and I tried a Bourbon Cream last night!"
a situation, process, etc., that has no trouble or problems.
I thought this Ikea shelf was going to be really hard to put together but it ended up being all peaches and cream baby
Peaches and cream are the lollies from Allen’s. The best lollie ever made.
Fuck man, I cannot get enough of these peaches and cream lollies.
The original truffle butter. Peaches that leak cream. The booty juice that comes after a lil back door action.
Peaches and Cream - The favorite position being the back door and the fluids that cometh afterwards
Ice cream that leans towards being homosexual in nature.
Ryan gray has a secret proloclivity of pistachio ice cream