A girl who has sex when she is on her period. Mostly used to refer to a girl who goes down on another girl during her period.
"I throned a Crimson Queen last night. It was bloodier than the wedding on Game of Thrones." "She's such a Crimson Queen; she'll go down on another girl, even if they're bleeding."
Lisha Rae is the Queen of Augusta. The first and only Queen of Augusta. She is also awarded Queen of Augusta.
I wish a trick would try the Queen of Augusta Lisha Rae is the first for yo a**
lisha rae became queen of augusta her second year of rapping. she have celebrities calling her queen of augusta when they never been to augusta. she have people calling her queen of augusta when they never been to augusta.
Lisha Rae is the queen and the baddest bitch
Lisha Rae is Queen of Augusta