listen to jayden rn and play games whatever he wants
Oh did you listen to jayden today cause it’s national listen to jayden day
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March 26th is national top a top day, you top a top, so for example you rail the one who would rail you
“Did you hear what day it is”
“What day?”
“It’s national top a top day, now bend over”
On December 6 you shall double tap a girlfriend or whatever
Starts jan 1st at the time any clock strikes 12!! GET YO HEAD BETWEEN SOME THIGHS FOR GOOD LUCK ALL YEAR!
Omg! I didn’t eat autumn’s coochie on Jan 1st on national eat coochie month, my whole year is gonna be horrible
You must cosplay someone from an anime or make an OC! ♥️✨ goodluck
Get ready for national anime cosplay day!
January 16th is national girl bsf day y’all! Make sure to make your girl bestie happy on that day or otherwise she be depressed, so don’t let her down!
Aye brah, did you hear? It’s National girl bsf day! Go make yo girl bsf feel special :)
January 14th is National thigh pic day is where a best friend lover ext is obligated to send a picture of their thighs to you.
You: hey! Did you know it’s Jan 14th also known as national thigh pic day?
Them: no I didn’t! Here’s a picture of thighs enjoy!