When you get so bored that you type all possible letters on your keyboard, but you didnt think about using the option / alt button, did you?
I am so `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qQwWeErRtTyYuUiIoOpP{}\|aAsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL;:'"zZxXcCvVbBnNmM,<.>/? that I could type in qweiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm and maybe even mnbvcxzlkjhfdsapoiuytrewq
When you are so damn bored you type every single typeble letter in a portuguese chromebook keyboard
(please end my suffering i'm so fucking bored i dont have anything better to do)
Friend 1: Yo bro what you doin?
Friend 2: "'!1¹@2²#3³$4£%5¢¬&7*8(9)0_-=§˛q/w?e°rtyuiopª{asdfghjklç}º|\zxcvbnm<,>.:;─·ŧħ®ŋ°đ“þø→↓←ŧ«æß»ð©đ“ŋ”ħnĸł´̣̣
Friend 1: Did you just have a fucking stroke
Two girls named Ellie and Mia dancing on tik tok together and are nestelst of friends!
Besties.m.e.1 are amazing tiktokers
The great big shaq once told the biggest mathematical theorem which was 2+2+4-1 which was hardest question
are you able to solve this "2+2=4-1"
yea i can
yes i'm
cooler than you
ella the great #1 is the coolest person alive
Poem 1 by mya
Sat at a lonely bus stop, thinking about my past, present and future.
My life hast been all rainbows and butterfly's and yet neither is my present.
One thing though is that I've learnt how to become best friends with the feeling of knowing tomorrow may be the same as yesterday and the day before and the same as now or even that there might not be a day for me tomorrow because the future is the most unexpected.
But yet again iam now sat at a depressing bus stop thinking about the past, present and future.
I'll learn to love those 3 words but for now I'll learn how to cope with the feeling of the not knowing and remembering and feeling.
It's okay poem 1 by mya