your mother, but... malaysian
"urmader so green lah!"
"ur mader x me tbh"
Jimmmy hey Ron ur mum not cool
Ron No u
Jimmy fucking dies
An insult slightly more offensive then ur dad lesbian. Although it is not as offensive as ur granny tranny. This isult should only be used as a last resort if not u could be another ur granny tranny victim.
Robert: ur mum gay
James: no u
Robert: ur dad lesbian
James: ur papa pans
Robert: ur granny tranny
James: *blackhole forms in ass succing James instantly to hell*
Another very bad variation of ur mom that is generally used when speaking about incest but can also be used in many other situations.
Warning: using this variation of the common phrase "ur mom" may cause confusion due to it's unpopularity.
John: hey bro, what's up?
Dick: ur cousin
John: what?
Abbreviation on the internet for the word "You're" that is generally used when you don't have many available characters left to get your point across. While for the most part staying gramatically correct.
"There is no way ure this fucking stupid"
"Ure literally so pathetic"