A douchebag that makes YouTube videos. Usually the videos are of them being a Douche.
"Jake Paul is such a Douche Tuber, why do you watch him?"
Disaster cause by one or more douches. Also congregation of douchebags causing a raucous.
The large group of guido's are ready to create a douche-aster. I was involved in an accident with a douchebag today, it was a douche-aster!
Term for personal planner in the mind of someone who is a douche. Reminds the person when to act like a douche.
"I wonder when Bill will act like a douche again?" she wondered out loud. "After checking his douche-timer" replied Phil.
A douche who is also a bookworm, fairly self-explainitory
God Lauren is such a douche worm.
Anyone who wears a Bluetooth ear piece, and/or drives like a fun
Is by default snobby, usually wearing a suit or a flat bill hat.
"That dude just cut me off."
"Yeah, look at him, he is on the phone because he's " douche-tooth.
Enhanced pdf for legal documents executed remotely. Implies that the receiver is the last in the chain and is the “douche”. In vogue now during layoffs.
So that was it. A zoom call, accept the terms on douche-u-sign for severance and hit the road.
Taken from a lyric of Manfred Mann's "Blinded By The Light". A revved up douche is a douche of a person who is 'revved up', i.e., acting particularly douchey; someone being extra rude, loud, over the top, etc.
To be revved up like a douche is to be someone exhibiting behaviors like that of a douche that is revved up.
"Did you see that revved up douche in the crowd?"
See also:
"Man, Jack was really revved up like a douche today"