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Douche Tuber

A douchebag that makes YouTube videos. Usually the videos are of them being a Douche.

"Jake Paul is such a Douche Tuber, why do you watch him?"

by VenicalFeb July 13, 2021


Disaster cause by one or more douches. Also congregation of douchebags causing a raucous.

The large group of guido's are ready to create a douche-aster. I was involved in an accident with a douchebag today, it was a douche-aster!

by FelixDaCuban January 10, 2015


Term for personal planner in the mind of someone who is a douche. Reminds the person when to act like a douche.

"I wonder when Bill will act like a douche again?" she wondered out loud. "After checking his douche-timer" replied Phil.

by one more fizzle May 3, 2011

douche worm

A douche who is also a bookworm, fairly self-explainitory

God Lauren is such a douche worm.

by Jonathan T Rogers March 6, 2008


Anyone who wears a Bluetooth ear piece, and/or drives like a fun

Is by default snobby, usually wearing a suit or a flat bill hat.

"That dude just cut me off."
"Yeah, look at him, he is on the phone because he's " douche-tooth.

by Kevly😉 May 20, 2016


Enhanced pdf for legal documents executed remotely. Implies that the receiver is the last in the chain and is the “douche”. In vogue now during layoffs.

So that was it. A zoom call, accept the terms on douche-u-sign for severance and hit the road.

by SvenTY May 24, 2023

Revved up douche

Taken from a lyric of Manfred Mann's "Blinded By The Light". A revved up douche is a douche of a person who is 'revved up', i.e., acting particularly douchey; someone being extra rude, loud, over the top, etc.

To be revved up like a douche is to be someone exhibiting behaviors like that of a douche that is revved up.

"Did you see that revved up douche in the crowd?"

See also:

"Man, Jack was really revved up like a douche today"

by KillerNugget April 6, 2024