When you give a blow job for a favor of your choosing and you ignore them until You need another favor.
I needed $100 for my electric bill. It was just a quick suck and duck.
The yearning experienced by converts to Messianic Judaism during Catholic holidays in general, but more specifically, that during Christmas, while experiencing bum out at the traditional hybridized figure of Santa Claus, who bears attire traditionally worn more so by the Babylonian child-sacrifice high priest, Tammuz, during his traditional dying of eggs in baby blood with his mother Easter on Tammuz's birthday, December 25th.
It sure seems ironic that we have to explain each year in such detail that Sukkot means YeHoVaH's feast of tabernacles, when the Messiah was *actually* born, and that YeHoVaH specified His feasts as being for every generation of His people. Nobody ever really has a clue they are celebrating child abuse in its purest form at all these Easter egg hunts and Christmas parties. And then, on top of it, we even have to explain how YeHoVaH said not to be serving him according to foreign religious traditions. It's like people are referencing a deity they don't even really have a clue about when they say Christmas is a biblical holiday. I'm just Santa-Suck-It! Sukkot Jonesin'.
Something that you should do or maybe told to do when you suck at something more than that person or got backfired that you have to suck your body up physically and feel like you are about to suicide
A: Your face is so retarded like your ex...
B: At least my face is not as retarded as your existence... Shut up and suck yourself
A: (Sucking noises... Chocking noises... Nothing...)
1. Literally telling someone to suck their own flesh and blood.
2. Trying to infer how someone is unprofessional in a certain category that they suck at it by the literal meaning
someone retarded: (dabs)
someone less retarded: go suck yourself, its 2017 and dab is dead
someone retarded: (literally suck his own arm)
Just making a rock sucking his dick, apparently very gay. It all started with a trumpet player that like his dick to be duck by a saxophone player that rejected him
Suck my dick rock, it’s humungous(humongusus)
To deny a request from someone.
Can be used in the same way as the phrase, “eat my ass”, “suck my dick!”
WESTERN AUSTRALIA PREMIER: “all citizens will need to provide proof of third vaccination to be able to return to work.”
ME: “…suck my fuck”