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my very much perfect boyfriend, platonic or not, even though I may be annoying they still put up with me and I love them alot and adore them

"woah look, alex just texted me. Let me cry with happy tears and smile for the rest of my lifetime because I love them very much and i always smile whenever I get a notification from them and just want to mwah mwah them.

by greylol June 5, 2021


I'm cool

Alex is really cool

by Asdfghjkl. Com August 28, 2021


Alex is a very friendly person who tries to help everyone. Alex is a funny guy who tries to make everyone laugh.

This guy is funny I think his Name is Alex

by Sexy Cancer November 22, 2021


adj That one kid with the fake leg thats annoying ash

Kyle: bro can you please stop acting like an alex timmy:shut up kyle its who i am

by Mistnderstoodmushroom May 11, 2020


The biggest bitch of any friend group. He always complains if he doesn’t get his way and has a chode

Alex can’t get a girl because of his chode

by Bigdickbeastly August 7, 2019


The most gay of them all

Wow he’s such an Alex… he’s very gay

by Plantsaremyfriendsbutieatthem January 6, 2023


A Throw Meister

Alex you are throwing the game!

by The Ram Ranch Cowboy April 1, 2022